National Ambitions and Implementation

Enhancing the development and implementation of national frameworks and strategies to ensure livelihood and sustainable development

Meeting for reflecting the national climate change response strategy (NCCRS) of Tanzania. National policies and coordinated strategies are key to inform the implimentation of climate action

One Struggle : Common but differinated burden

All nations that signed the Paris Agreement untied behind the shared goal of limiting the average global temperature increase to be-low 2°C above pre- industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Reflecting the historical backgrounds and capacitiy of each nation all countries contribute to climate action.  In implimenting and pushing climate action for mitigation and adaptation the nations acknowledge that they have common but differinated burden.

Doing the fair share: National Determined Contribution (NDC)

Under the Paris Agreement, parties are required to communicate at five-year intervals, on their National Determined Contribution (NDCs)  starting from 2020 December. In the lead up to COP 26 many countries submitted their NDCs and a total of 153 countries had submitted new and updated NDCs by the start of the COP. Out of the 153 countries, 17 African countries had submitted revised NDCs. However, a quick analysis shows that these country pledges to reduce emissions are still putting us on a dangerous trajectory towards warming of 2.5 de-grees by the end of this century. This means that countries need to be even more ambitious in the NDCs in order to set us on 1.5 degrees. The Glasgow decision calls on countries to “revisit and strengthen” their 2030 targets by the end of 2022 to align them with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals. CAN Africa is in support of this call and asks countries to do so urgently. As the President of Barbados, Dame Sandra Mason, stated at the opening of COP 26, leaders across the world must address the pressing and urgent needs for adaptation including enhancing ambition.

Think Global- Act Local

Localize Climate Action

Envolving local communities into the implimentation of climate action activites is neccsary for succeful mitigation and adaptation on a local level. Particpatory approaches that involves members of local communities in planing and strategzigng ensure that the implimentation is sensible for local context. This approach prevents maladapations and empower vulnerable groups by particpating them in discion-making.

To implement and relaize the NDCs the have to be broken down into local project and intervention. Localization of the NDC and other national strategies are key to delivery climate actions to local communities. Embedding mitigation and adapation projects into the context of  coordinated stratgies on national level. 

Particpatory workshop in Tanzania to build climate resilience in communities
Women of a local community strategizing and planing on how to cope with climate impacts. Particptory approaches that inculde and empower locals in specific vulnerable groups (youth, indigenous, women, smallholders etc.) are elementary to ensure realization of NDC and effective climate action.