Our Focus

Climate Impacts: Adaptation, Loss and Damage
Enhancing resilience and adaptation of local communities through bature/ecosytem based services and solutions that considers African needs capacity

Just Energy Transition
Preventing proliferation of fossil fuels through promotion of the use of renewable energy and sustainable energy for all.

Climate Finance
Advocating for fair and sufficent funding and finance for climate action to ensure easy acess and mobilization of investments to support local communities in mitigation and adaptation action to address climate change.

National Ambitions and Implementation
Enhancing the development and implementation of national frameworks and strategies to ensure livelihood and sustainable development
Movement Building
The political will to change the world will come through local communities and grassroots movements fighting together in solidarity to bring about a climate just and equitable world. CAN Africa aspires to strengthen our regional and national civil society networks to ensure that all continental advocacy and strategies are informed from the bottom-up.
In our activities and events we raise african vocies, highlight grassroot supported evidences, discuss ideas and policies to built a climate-reslient future for africa.